Cups Media is Singapore First & Only Free Cups Advertising™ company. Our journey started in 2007 and have served more than 500 clients over the past 10 years. We specialize in handheld branding in work spaces, schools and F&B outlets; bringing our clients closer to their target customers. Through displaying a marketing message, logo, or special promotion on the quality paper cups, our clients can reach out to their target audiences (working adults / students / general public) — putting their Ads in their customer's hands to achieve acquisition and branding targets.
Cups Media offers advertisers a new, exciting and non-traditional way to reach out to their target customers — their work places & schools! It does not matter if the target customers are working in the office, having lunch with their friends, meeting their clients in the meeting room, or attending their lectures in the University, Cups Media brings our clients' marketing message to their target customers directly, resulting in better customers engagement and business outcomes.
With more than 10 years' experience in providing non-traditional Free Cups Advertising™ platforms for our clients, Cups Media owns the largest free paper cups distribution network in Singapore. We leverage our proprietary distribution network to help our clients to ensure the greatest ROI possible within flexible and nimble marketing plans.
They can now be assured that their marketing messages are seen, held and touched by their target audiences! Their advertisement would capture the attention of their customers for as long as 60 minutes, and can generate a topic of conversation in their workplaces (such as: meeting rooms, conference halls, pantries, sofas etc), creating a positive word-of-mouth effect. Best of all, they can engage with their target audiences directly when the target audiences are drinking their beverages. Thus, creating a creative and cost effective way to promote their services and products. Click here to find out more.
As the economy landscape continues to get challenging, many organizations are looking for ways to cut their overheads. By receiving the quality paper cups free of charge, they can be assured that they need not to waste their money to buy these paper cups. Thus, saving them real money every month.